Grenzgänger Informations GmbH - Ihre Spezialisten zum Arbeiten in der Schweiz
Cross-border commuters


We are also happy to provide advice in English. You can download our current information brochure for resident foreign nationals (residence in Switzerland) here. We would also be pleased to advise you if you are planning to live in Germany and work in Switzerland. This means that you are a cross-border commuter and have, or are in the proccess of obtaining, a work permit (permit G).

We can advise you on all issues that are relevant for cross-border commuters, including:

  • taxes due
  • health insurance
  • parental allowance/child benefits
  • salary after taxes
  • unemployment insurance
  • direct insurance (reducing taxes pursuant to Pillar 3 in Switzerland)
  • and much more

We would be happy to help you determine whether being a cross-border commuter or resident foreign national would be more beneficial to you, as well as support you in your decision to either live in Germany and work in Switzerland (cross-border commuter), or both work and live in Switzerland (resident foreign national).Please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us to arrange an appointment.

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